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Färgbygge's brands and products
Colour, inspiration and innovation for your home Since 1979
Vår historia
Färgbygge föds
Under sent 70-tal sökte en grupp målare och arkitekter efter nya material att färglägga husen med. Initiativet blev en egen färgtillverkning under namnet Färgbygge. Färgsättningen grundades på Goethes färglära med fokus på funktion i samspel med den mänskliga miljön.

Our History
Färgbygge Today
After many years of development work, we are proud to offer consumers and professional painters a newly developed range of indoor paints. The focus has been on increasing the share of renewable raw materials, minimizing VOC substances, and improving technical properties.
In 2017, we moved into a brand-new factory located in Sigtuna Municipality. Significant investments have been made to minimize energy consumption and improve the working environment while expanding capacity to meet the demand for our paints in various colors.
Färgbygge - color design for the future
Our Vision
With our paints, we aim to inspire a safe, creative, and enriching environment to be in. In recent years, we have worked purposefully to make our paints even more functional and environmentally sustainable by selecting renewable and high-quality mineral-based raw materials, refined through a modern approach.
By "Color Design," we refer to our pursuit of the most natural color experience. We are in the present, with a sustainability mindset "for the future"—a great and exciting challenge that we fully embrace.